Commercial Real Estate Company
In the first 60 days using’s X-Ray tool, a Commercial Real Estate company generated $67k in LTV revenue. They saw 60x ROI, reduced their customer acquisition cost by 93% and unlocked digital marketing attribution to in-person sales.
Success Story
They also used the X-Ray data to attribute in-person sales to the online marketing campaign that generated them. This previously difficult-to-find information is an invaluable tool for improving future marketing efforts.

Their Goal
Attribute In-Person Sales to Online Marketing Efforts
Their Solution
Prospecting Data & Automated Outreach Campaigns
The commercial real estate company set’s X-Ray tool on their website. It reported the contact information of anonymous visitors along with which pages they viewed and which link referred them.
When a customer made an in-person purchase, they were able to cross reference that information with reports from to track which marketing campaign led to the sale.

Their Success
They generated 4300 warm leads in 60 days.
On top of gaining invaluable insight into their marketing efforts, they had impressive success with’s lead generation and Sales Outreach Automation tools.
This reduced their customer acquisition cost from $245 to $23, a 93% decrease.
These improvements amounted to $67k in LTV revenue and a 60x ROI on their costs.