Increase in my Number of Contacts
What is the MobileMonkey contact import?
When you Connect a new Facebook Page to MobileMonkey, the users who have messaged the page in the past will be imported to MobileMonky as Contacts automatically for you. Hurrah!
These Contacts are the users who interacted with your Facebook Business Page on Messenger and are by definition "opt-ins".
Having interacted with you before on Facebook Messenger, you are allowed to message them again. The data imported is just the basics - name, gender, location and messaging permissions to message.
How do you know that these Contacts are added via MobileMonkey Contact import?
- Contacts that are added in bulk the same day.
- Contacts may look incomplete or missing some data. (This is because, some of the Contacts may be old)
How do you manage these Contacts?
When MobileMonkey imports the contacts for a new Facebook Page that you connect, there are some contacts (varies from 5% to 30%) that are unreachable. An unreachable contact means that contact data is incomplete and therefore can’t receive messages. There are a several reasons for this, but it is primarily going to be old Contacts that you haven't been in touch with for a long time.
- After your first Chat Blast, unreachable Contact will get deleted automatically from your MobileMonkey Account.
- After you send the first Chat Blast, you will see your Contact count go down when the unreachable Contacts are auto-deleted in MobileMonkey
- At that point you will only have “clean” contacts with no missing data so you can message them.