Activate an SMS phone number & Call Forwarding (for US & Canada only)
- Go to your Dashboard and click on Connect SMS Phone Number.

- We will require you to register for A2P 10DLC. A2P 10DLC refers to a system in the United States that allows businesses to send Application-to-Person (A2P) type messaging via standard 10-digit long code (10DLC) phone numbers. (Twilio support). You need to provide your Business Name, Full Name and Email address.
- Select Country (United States or Canada), then on Area code, select from the dropdown list. Once an area code is selected, click on SEARCH.
- A list of available SMS numbers will populate. Click on SELECT next to the SMS number you prefer to use. Take note that ALL SMS activities will be associated with the SMS number you selected. This means, if you decided to CHANGE your SMS number in the future, ALL SMS contact opt-ins and conversations on the INBOX for the old SMS number will not be available anymore.
- Confirm the SMS number you selected.
- The SMS number will show on the Dashboard. Click on the GEAR ICON opposite the SMS number to go to SMS Settings.
- On SMS Settings, you can add Testing numbers and assign a phone number to forward calls to, in case a lead dialed/called your SMS number.